duminică, 27 iulie 2008

Postul Habarnam

Bine.Presupun ca deja stii ca ce scriu acum e pentru tine.Pentru noi.Pentru ca te iubesc and because I want you more than ever...Because you know all the right buttons to push to make me go out of my mind...Why do you know me so well? O faci intentionat sau doar iti iese intamplator?Oricum ar fi...good for you...you kinda have control over me...A bit, but you do have it....I love you and you know it...You make me fluy with just one touch of your hand...You make me dream with my eyes wide open and you make me wish upon all falling stars that you'll always be there,or here, with me!!!!All mine and you know it! And I am yours and i hope you feel it.If not all the time,then at least when we are together.... I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take me now.....

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